Papers [manuscript]. 1964-1993.


Papers [manuscript]. 1964-1993.

Papers include drafts, correspondence and other publishing material (galleys, typescripts, etc.) relating to research for and publication of The Blast Area (1974), Crying in Early Infancy (1977), The New Australian Poetry (1979), Selected Poems (1982), The Floor of Heaven (1992), The Penguin Book of Modern Australian Poetry (1991), Martin Johnston: Selected Poems and Prose (1993) and At The Florida (1993). There are also drafts of various poems (1983-1993) including Ariadne on Lesbos, The Subtitles, Condensed Soup: Four Diversions and a Prose Poem on the Road to a Poetics and Yoo-Hoo Fugaces; a script of his play The Man on the Landing (1968); articles, interviews and reviews; copies of various magazines that he has edited, including Poetry Australia, Free Grass and Transit; and papers relating to his role as poetry editor of the Bulletin magazine (1990-1993). Correspondents include Philip Mead, Clive Faust, Martin Duwell, Tom Shapcott, Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Lyn Tranter, Judith Wright, Alec Hope, John Blight, Rosemary Dobson, Alison Clark, Diana Gioia, Andrea Sherwood, Lee Cataldi, Les Murray, Bruce Beaver and Roseanne Bonney. This collection also includes 4 cassette tapes and 1 computer diskette.

3.69 m. (26 boxes) + 1 fol. item.


SNAC Resource ID: 7074474

Libraries Australia

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Tranter, John E. (person)

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